St. Tammany Parish Projects Selected for 2018 Funding
Safe Haven Blue-Green Campus & Trails
Even in higher ground locations, natural systems must be maximized to retain stormwater in response to current and future flood risk. The Safe Haven Blue-Green Campus & Trails project is a Community Nonstructural Mitigation/Flood Risk Reduction and Public Services project that will enhance detention capabilities in a critical drainage area adjacent to Cane Bayou, protecting campus facilities and surrounding neighborhood residences.

St. Tammany Parish
St. Tammany Parish is the state’s fifth most populous parish and is one of Louisiana’s fastest-growing parishes, especially over the past decade. As a dominant parish on the northern shore of Lake Pontchartrain, St. Tammany prides itself for its scenic beauty, outdoor recreation options, a vibrant food scene and family-friendly attractions. The high influx of population — partly spurred by migration from other coastal parishes after the 2005-2006 hurricane seasons— represents such challenges that are related to sudden growth, such as development without consideration of stormwater management or current flood risks to accommodate a growing need for housing, taxed infrastructure and congested roadways resulting from the increase in population.
See What You’ve Missed
St. Tammany Parish residents came out en masse to Northshore High School in Slidell in early April for the kickoff LA SAFE meeting. Attendees shared their concerns for increased coastal flood risks in communities like Avery Estates and Eden Isle, and other residents offered input on increased riverine flooding hazards experienced in March and August of 2016. St. Tammany Parish residents stressed the value they place on the quality of life, including education and living near the water. Residents also noted the need for improving drainage, implementing smart growth strategies and regulating development, and promoting economic development and creating job opportunities.
Meeting Summary Packet
Download a printable version of the complete summary of meeting 1.
In early June, St. Tammany residents attended three Round 2 community meetings in Slidell, Covington and Mandeville, and offered additional input on community adaptation in the context of a changing environment over 10, 25, and 50 year intervals. Residents stressed the importance of enhancing stormwater management and preserving the quality of life in St. Tammany, while noting the need for minimizing development in high risk coastal areas but still promoting access and recreational activities. Residents also noted challenges for development in low and medium risk areas around traffic congestion, and offered ideas for bus services, passenger rail, or creating more remote working opportunities to reduce commuter traffic.
Meeting Summary Packet
Download a printable version of the complete summary of meeting 2.
The latest Round 3 parish-wide meeting was held at Lakeshore High School in Mandeville, which was utilized as a centrally located gathering space in a growing part of the parish. St. Tammany residents offered input on their vision for the future of St. Tammany Parish, expressing support for complete streets and public transit options and voicing interest in seeing job opportunities around alternative energy.Residents noted that regulating development in flood-prone areas was very important, indicating that incentivizing rainwater harvesting at the residential level and green street concepts would help reduce stormwater management challenges. St. Tammany voted on preferences for housing and community development strategies, expressing interest in two to three story medium density housing within walkable communities close to amenities like public transportation and greenspaces as an ideal typology.
Meeting Summary Packet
Download a printable version of the complete summary of meeting 3.
In this fourth round of engagement, residents had the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the draft strategies developed by the LA SAFE team after several rounds of collaborative meetings over the course of the year. These draft strategies were presented in a variety of settings included focused discussions with participants from previous meetings, including public and elected officials; casual open-house gatherings; and table presentations at local festivals and other public spaces. The planning team has taken these final suggestions into consideration as they completed the design of the potential adaptation strategies for each parish that addresses challenges and opportunities unique to that parish.
Meeting Summary Packet
See Meeting 5 for downloadable Meeting 4 and 5 Summary.
In this fifth round of engagement, residents had the opportunity to offer their preference on the final product of our collaboration together, learn more about what is next for their parish’s adaptation strategy and celebrate everyone’s hard work with music, art, food and other staples of your parish’s diverse culture.
During our fifth and final round of meetings, residents also had the opportunity to rank their favorite projects that have come as a result of our work together. Preferences provided by parish residents will be a key component in determining which catalytic project or program will be implemented in your parish.
St. Tammany Parish Pilot Project Boards
Download a printable version of the St. Tammany Parish Project Boards.
Meeting Summary Packet
Download a printable version of the complete summary of meetings 4 and 5.
We Need You! Get Involved Today.
Interested in leading a table discussion at the next meeting or hosting a community event? Let us know! We look forward to having you assist us in creating a better future environment for Louisiana.