The projects selected in the six parishes include:
- Jefferson – Gretna Resilience District Kickstart and the Louisiana Wetland Education Center
- Lafourche – Emerging Industry Business Incubator and Resilient Housing Prototype
- Plaquemines – Harbor of Refuge and Mental Health and Substance Abuse Assistance
- St. John the Baptist – Airline and Main Complete Streets
- St. Tammany – Safe Haven Blue-Green Campus and Trails
- Terrebonne – Buyouts Outside of Morganza-to-the Gulf Levee System and Lake Boudreaux Living Mitigation

Louisiana’s Strategic Adaptations for Future Environments (LA SAFE) provides a holistic approach to flood risk of all types as well as the myriad of human, economic, and environmental impacts experienced following past floods and those anticipated in the future. To develop aspirational—yet realistic—visions of tomorrow’s communities, LA SAFE led a grassroots effort across six-parishes to gather information and ideas while harnessing the experience and ingenuity of local citizens. It includes an extensive planning process of more than 70 outreach and engagement events, more than $47 million in project investments designed by residents and stakeholders, and seven strategy documents highlighting takeaways and recommended actions.
Our changing coastlines present opportunities for communities to think differently about the future. Fueled by your ideas, LA SAFE is an open, inclusive way to bring everyone together to prepare for how our communities can successfully adapt to coastal challenges.
LA SAFE was created and implemented as a joint venture between the State of Louisiana and the Foundation for Louisiana (FFL). LA SAFE was made possible by generous grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s National Disaster Resilience program and philanthropic support from the blue moon fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Surdna Foundation, and the Ford Foundation.
Throughout 2017, LA SAFE conducted an intensive planning process across six parishes: Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany and Terrebonne. The planning effort led to the development of a regional climate adaptation strategy along with six individual parish strategies. The regional strategy describes regional-scale challenges and corresponding program and policy recommendations. Each parish strategy provides more detailed recommendations and includes six project proposals applicable to that specific parish. Within each parish, one or two projects are funded for implementation by LA SAFE. These projects and programs were developed and selected in concert with the engagement process, based on qualitative and quantitative community benefit, leverage funding, community preference, and parish benefit through the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System (CRS).
Jefferson Parish | 436,275 |
Lafourche Parish | 98,325 |
Plaquemines Parish | 23,495 |
St. John the Baptist Parish | 43,626 |
St. Tammany Parish | 250,088 |
Terrebonne Parish | 113,579 |
Throughout 2017, LA SAFE conducted an intensive planning process across six parishes: Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany and Terrebonne. The planning effort led to the development of a regional climate adaptation strategy along with six individual parish strategies. The regional strategy describes regional-scale challenges and corresponding program and policy recommendations. Each parish strategy provides more detailed recommendations and includes six project proposals applicable to that specific parish. Within each parish, one or two projects are funded for implementation by LA SAFE. These projects and programs were developed and selected in concert with the engagement process, based on qualitative and quantitative community benefit, leverage funding, community preference, and parish benefit through the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System (CRS).
Jefferson Parish | 436,275 |
Lafourche Parish | 98,325 |
Plaquemines Parish | 23,495 |
St. John the Baptist Parish | 43,626 |
St. Tammany Parish | 250,088 |
Terrebonne Parish | 113,579 |
- To generate parish-wide, community-driven adaptation strategies focused on opportunities for residents and stakeholders to proactively adapt and prepare for anticipated environmental changes over the next 10, 25, and 50 years.
- To implement a catalytic project in each of the six parishes that demonstrates adaptive development practices that conform to current and future flood risks.
- To identify and support development of resilience-building projects and practices that can serve as models for the entire region.
- To create a statewide adaptation model that enhances long-term sustainability and resilience for all Louisiana parishes.
LA SAFE By the Numbers

Reasons We Must Adapt
Massive Land Loss
Nearly 2,000 square miles of our coastal landscape have disappeared into the gulf over the last 80 years. As we face extreme rates of land loss, local residents must begin working together across sectors to address challenges and develop solutions.
Economic Relief
Residents who lack the resources to quickly adapt to growing coastal challenges will endure the pressures of mitigating, adapting and finding migration options. To ensure they have economic relief, we must begin making preparation tools accessible.
The Planning Process
The challenge extends beyond coastal restoration. We do not expect to build land faster than we are losing it. This reality led LA SAFE to create a process for adaptation — as well as a co-design process for identifying those adaptations — to strategically respond to the changing landscape.
LA SAFE Project Announcements June 2018
This video explains more about the 10 funded projects throughout the 6 launch parishes as well as the parish specific adaptation strategies being developed by LA SAFE.
2017 Coastal Master Plan
View the CPRA's Coastal Master Plan data viewer and learn more about how coastal flood risk impacts communities today and in the future, and also about specific projects called for in the 2017 Coastal Master Plan.
Be a Part of the Process
We want to hear your thoughts and ideas. Join us in creating a better future environment by getting involved. We welcome those who would like to participate in Foundation for Louisiana’s LEAD the Coast program, lead a table discussion, or host a community event.